Monday, January 17, 2022

The Beloved CommUNITY

 "Holy One, help us to truly become the Beloved Community."

Rev. Gerald "Jay" Williams, Ph.D., Union Church Boston

in his invocation for the 52nd MLK Day Breakfast

Every day is a good day to dance and sing in praise of, and to fight for, our common humanity. Especially as we annually honor the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

To truly become community requires UNITY. To build unity across our differences requires perseverance -- the type of stubborn, dogged relentless that can only be powered by our faith in and hope for a peaceful, just world in which all are perceived and treated with equal respect.

Building unity is hard: we are all so different! And there is richness and vibrancy in our diversity. Too often, however, we make the mistake of holding onto our individualism to the detriment of the common good.

Unity doesn't mean we all need to believe or say the same things: it simply means we have to believe enough in each other and our communities to let go a little bit of the individual selves to which we cling so tightly.

So today, in honor of MLK: what will I let go of in order to create unity and strengthen our beloved community?




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